Friday, January 21, 2011

January 24-28

Dear Students:

This week we will begin Chapter 16, right after the evaluation for Chapter 15. This chapter is a continuation of the same topic: Human Anatomy, but this time we will be focusing in the Cardiovascular System.

We will be covering important details about The Heart, such as:

• The Body’s Transport System
• Blood and Lymph
• Cardiovascular Health

We will also be choosing our next project. For this chapter you will create a model of the heart using creative materials. All projects will then be shared with the class so we learn from other peoples work.


I would like you to focus on critical reading through our science content. Critical reading is the ability to draw useful information from a book or other source of material important for the course. You should be applying two very important steps:
The first part —what to look for— involves recognizing those aspects that control the meaning.
The second part —how to think about what you find— involves the processes of inference, the interpretation of data from within the text.

Important Dates to keep in mind:

Key Terms Chapter 16 January 26
Chapter 16 Test February 2
Chapter 16 Work Pack February 2

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