Friday, February 18, 2011

February 21-25

Important Dates to keep in mind:
Key Terms Chapter 18 February 23
Chapter 18 Test March 2
Chapter 18 Work Pack March 2

Dear Students:

This week we will begin Chapter 18: Fighting Disease. We will be exploring the following topics:
• Infectious Disease
• The Body’s Defense
• Preventing Infectious Disease
• Noninfectious Disease

Objectives/ I can ...Day 1
Explain the relationship between pathogens and infectious disease.
List the kinds of pathogens that cause infectious diseases in humans.
Identify four sources of pathogens
Objectives/ I can ... Day 2
Explain how the body's first line of defense guards against pathogens.
Describe what happens during the inflammatory response.
State how the immune system responds to pathogens.
Identify how HIV affects the immune system and how it spreads
Objectives/ I can ... Day 3
Define immunity.
Explain the difference between natural immunity and acquired immunity.
Objectives/ I can ... Day 4
Learn the concepts involved in epidemiology.
Trace the spread of a pathogen through a population
Objectives/ I can ... Day 5
Identify the causes of allergies.
Explain how diabetes affects the body.
Describe the effects of cancer on the body.
Identify causes of cancer.

Use the following link to learn more about the anatomy of the Immune system

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