Friday, April 29, 2011

May 2-6

Dear Students
Our test to Chapter 21 will be Wednesday, May 4. Please prepare for it by reading Chapter 21 from your textbook and then using your work pack to review. Study your Key Terms and Key Concepts.
Your Project for this Chapter will be presented May 5. Don't forget to review your rubric and to practice at home.

Weekly tips:
How to study Smarter, not Harder
Study the Middle
The best time to review is soon after learning has taken place. The beginning and the end of material is best remembered, so pay close attention to the middle which is likely to be forgotten. The peak of difficulty in remembering is just beyond the middle, toward the end. change your method of review.
Connect Ideas Whenever Possible
The more association you can elicit for an idea, the more meaning it will have; the more meaningful the learning, the better one is able to retain it. Always note similarities in ideas and concepts, and put them in their proper place in a larger system of ideas, concepts and theories. A bare literal understanding is often of little valuable. Never be satisfied with a hazy idea of what you are reading. If you are not able to follow the thought, go back to where you lost the trail.

Important Dates to Keep in Mind

May 11 Key Terms Due, Chapter 22
May 18 Test Chapter 22
May 18 Key Concepts Due, Chapter 22

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 26-29

Dear Students:
We are in the last part of this journey. We will continue to learn about the wonders of science through the Environmental Science Unit. This week we will get prepared for our next project presentations due May 04. Review the Oral Presentation rubric so you do not miss any of the important details that will be evaluated. Our Test for this chapter will be May 5. This will allow us to work and review, on our present chapter, all this week.Key Concepts and work packs are also due May 5.

Friday, April 8, 2011

April 11-15

Dear Students:
This is our last week before Semana Santa’s break. We will begin a new Chapter full of wonderful information that will enrich our knowledge in science.
We are beginning Chapter 21: Populations and Communities. This chapter begins our Science studies in Ecosystems. It will open up a new door of another very interesting branch of science....Ecology.

Some of the topics covered in this Chapter are:

Living Things and the Environment
Studying Populations
Interactions Among Living Things
Changes in Communities

As we approach the end of this school year, I encourage you to practice your skills of organization and discipline:

1. Listening
2. Following Instructions
3. Questioning
4. Exhibiting Leadership
5. Communicating Effectively
6. Organizing: Time, Things

Important Dates to keep in mind

April 13 Key Terms Chapter 21
April 13 Chapter Project will be assigned
April 16-25 Semana Santa
May 4 Test Chapter 21

Friday, April 1, 2011

Coming Soon

April 4-8

Dear Students:

I have decided to postpone your test to Chapter 19. The new date will be this coming Wednesday, April 6. The content of this Chapter, as well as the fact that we have reviewed the Scientific Method thoroughly, has not allowed us to complete the content. Please make good use of this opportunity as we approach our mid –term reports, April 15.

Your Chapter projects will be assigned this week and will be presented April 13. This time a creative surprise will be required. Look for one that will make your presentation memorable. Review the rubric and practice with your group.
We have reviewed the Scientific Method and have learned important terminology related to it. Please keep these terms in mind for they will be applied often in the course of Science.

Some of the goals we want to achieve through our presentations are:
1.Being able to communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly.
2.Students will be familiar with the character of scientific knowledge and inquiry and how it is achieved.
3.Practice sequencing and completing steps to accomplish specific tasks
4.Pose explanations based on evidence derived from one's own work.

Important Dates to keep in mind

April 6 Chapter 19 TEST
April 6 Chapter 19 Key Terms TEST
April 13 Project
April 15 Mid Term Reports