Friday, April 8, 2011

April 11-15

Dear Students:
This is our last week before Semana Santa’s break. We will begin a new Chapter full of wonderful information that will enrich our knowledge in science.
We are beginning Chapter 21: Populations and Communities. This chapter begins our Science studies in Ecosystems. It will open up a new door of another very interesting branch of science....Ecology.

Some of the topics covered in this Chapter are:

Living Things and the Environment
Studying Populations
Interactions Among Living Things
Changes in Communities

As we approach the end of this school year, I encourage you to practice your skills of organization and discipline:

1. Listening
2. Following Instructions
3. Questioning
4. Exhibiting Leadership
5. Communicating Effectively
6. Organizing: Time, Things

Important Dates to keep in mind

April 13 Key Terms Chapter 21
April 13 Chapter Project will be assigned
April 16-25 Semana Santa
May 4 Test Chapter 21

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