Friday, May 13, 2011

May 16-20

Dear Students:

This week we continue with Chapter 22. We will be focusing in the chapter content as well as the Chapter Project. Please make sure you work on your work pack in a daily basis as well as the Key Concepts, for they will better prepare you for our evaluation.

Project requirements:

• Make a BIOME Model/poster to demonstrate your topic.

• Color your components as close as possible to the images that you can find in books or the internet.

• Prepare your display with ecological information for each part or subject.

• To make your project more advanced, develop a scaled model or any other type of attractive visual.

• Review the rubric before presentation date.

Important Dates to Keep in Mind

May 18 Test Chapter 22
May 18 Key Concepts Due
May 19 Project Presentation

Grades posted in Power School
Chapter 21 Content Test
Chapter 21 Key Terms Quiz
Key Terms Chapter 22

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