Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 29- December 03

Dear Students:
We are beginning a new chapter and it will be the first of several that make up our Unit of Human Biology.
Chapter 14: Bones, Muscles and Skin sets the beginning of our study of the Human body. It is divided into four main sections, described below.
Body Organization and Homeostasis

Reading Preview
Key Concepts
• What are the levels of organization in the body?
• What is homeostasis?
Key Terms
• cell
• cell membrane
• nucleus
• cytoplasm
• tissue
• muscle tissue
• nervous tissue
• connective tissue
• epithelial tissue
• organ
• organ system
• homeostasis
• stress

Section 2 The Skeletal System

Reading Preview
Key Concepts
• What are the functions of the skeleton?
• What role do joints play in the body?
• What are the characteristics of bone, and how can you keep your bones strong and healthy?
Key Terms
• skeleton
• vertebrae
• joint
• ligament
• cartilage
• compact bone
• spongy bone
• marrow
• osteoporosis

Section 3 The Muscular System

Reading Preview
Key Concepts
• What types of muscles are found in the body?
• Why do skeletal muscles work in pairs?
Key Terms
• involuntary muscle
• voluntary muscle
• skeletal muscle
• tendon
• striated muscle
• smooth muscle
• cardiac muscle

Section 4 The Skin

Reading Preview
Key Concepts
• What are the functions and the structures of skin?
• What habits can help keep your skin healthy?
Key Terms
• epidermis
• melanin
• dermis
• pore
• follicle
• cancer

Important Dates to Keep in Mind
December 1 Key Terms
December 13 Work pack
December 15 Test Ch 14

Chapter Project
Design and Build a Hand Prosthesis
A prosthesis is an artificial device that replaces a human body part. Designing artificial replacements, such as prosthetic hands, can be a challenging task. This is because even a simple act, such as picking up a pen, involves a complex interaction of body parts.
Your Goal
To design, build, and test a replacement for a human hand
Your prosthesis must
• grasp and lift a variety of objects
• be activated by pulling a cord or string
• spring back when the cord is released
• be built following the safety guidelines in Appendix A

Project Directions
Plan It Before you design your prosthetic hand, study the human hand. Watch how the fingers move to pick up objects. Make a list of devices that mimic the ability of the hand to pick up objects. Examples include tongs, tweezers, pliers, and chopsticks. Then, choose materials for your hand and sketch your design. When your teacher has approved your design, build and test your prosthetic hand.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas Baskets

November 23, 2009

Dear Parents (Nursery – 12th):

As another holiday season nears, many of us will enjoy our time with loved ones and celebrate the joyous memories of the past year. As we give thanks for the blessings and gifts in our lives, we also have an opportunity to appreciate those people who make the American School outstanding, but who rarely get the recognition they deserve.

On behalf of all American Schools students, we would like to extend our gratitude to the maintenance workers, the bus drivers, the nannies and their families by preparing food baskets for them as gifts at Christmas. Students in each grade level are asked to contribute the following items:

Nursery Bar Soap
7th grade Ketchup
Pre-Kinder Detergent
8th grade Beans
Kinder Toilet paper
9th grade Cooking Oil
1st grade Rice
10th grade Maseca
2nd grade Pasta
11th grade Soup
3rd grade Sugar
12th grade Oatmeal
4th grade Tomato Paste
5th grade Cereal
6th grade Flour

Thank you for participating in this event, and for involving your children in the charitable activities of the American School. Please send the item with your child to his homeroom teacher (Pre School and Elementary School) and to their Class Advisors (MS / HS) before Friday, December 10. We hope that we can foster in all students a spirit of generosity and compassion which will, in the end, make our world a better place.


Claudia Pereira

Elcenora Martínez

Ricardo Belgrave

Maria Francisca Motz

Friday, November 19, 2010

November 22-24

Dear Students:
We will be attending school for three days this week; nevertheless, these will be some very busy days. Our test is scheduled for Wednesday. Your work pack to Chapter 6should be finished by that same day. Your project is due Wednesday as well. Don’t forget to turn in your rubric with your project and be creative!!!!!

Please refer to the following web site to help you clarify concepts about Natural selection or Darwin:

Follow the link to the following sites to review with the games we played in class:

Peppered Moth Game:
Caveman Challenge Game:

Enjoy your Thanksgiving break and remember, like Bryan Tracy once said:
“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.”

Friday, November 12, 2010

Examples of Geologic Timelines

November 15-19

November 15-19
Important Dates to keep in mind.

November 17 Early Dismissal 1:00 pm
November 24 Test Chapter 6
November 24 Work Pack Due
November 24 Project Due

Check these web sites for support:

Earthtrips - A Virtual Journey into Earth's History

Geological Time Online Edition

Tour of Geologic Time


Dear Students:

This week we will continue to learn about the Geologic Time, Fossils and changes over time. We will start to work on our project: “Geologic Timescale”. Make sure you work on your work pack on a daily basis and review the material covered in class.
I am going to give you the rubric Monday, November 15 so you analyze it before beginning your project. Make sure you read through it and plan your project based on the requirements listed. BE CREATIVE!!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

November 8-12

November 8-12
Dear Students:
Our test on Chapter 5 is Wednesday, November 10. Please don’t forget to study the Chapter content as well as the Key Terms. There might be a problem or two as well, just like the ones that were in your test last week, so it won’t hurt to review that as well.
We will also begin Chapter 6: Change in Time. As we leave genetics behind for a while, you will now be taken through a journey through Evolution, explaining natural selection and Darwin’s voyages.
Please get familiarized with some of the concepts we will be covering this week.
Section 1 Darwin’s Theory

Reading Preview
Key Concepts
• What important observations did Darwin make on his voyage?
• What hypothesis did Darwin make to explain the differences between similar species?
• How does natural selection lead to evolution?
Key Terms
• species
• fossil
• adaptation
• evolution
• scientific theory
• natural selection
• variation

Evidence of Evolution

Reading Preview
Key Concepts
• What evidence supports the theory of evolution?
• How do scientists infer evolutionary relationships among organisms?
• How do new species form?
Key Terms
• homologous structures
• branching tree

Important dates to keep in mind
November 10 Key Terms Due.
November 17 Project Due. Geologic Timeline
November 24 Chapter Test.