Friday, November 5, 2010

November 8-12

November 8-12
Dear Students:
Our test on Chapter 5 is Wednesday, November 10. Please don’t forget to study the Chapter content as well as the Key Terms. There might be a problem or two as well, just like the ones that were in your test last week, so it won’t hurt to review that as well.
We will also begin Chapter 6: Change in Time. As we leave genetics behind for a while, you will now be taken through a journey through Evolution, explaining natural selection and Darwin’s voyages.
Please get familiarized with some of the concepts we will be covering this week.
Section 1 Darwin’s Theory

Reading Preview
Key Concepts
• What important observations did Darwin make on his voyage?
• What hypothesis did Darwin make to explain the differences between similar species?
• How does natural selection lead to evolution?
Key Terms
• species
• fossil
• adaptation
• evolution
• scientific theory
• natural selection
• variation

Evidence of Evolution

Reading Preview
Key Concepts
• What evidence supports the theory of evolution?
• How do scientists infer evolutionary relationships among organisms?
• How do new species form?
Key Terms
• homologous structures
• branching tree

Important dates to keep in mind
November 10 Key Terms Due.
November 17 Project Due. Geologic Timeline
November 24 Chapter Test.

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