Friday, November 12, 2010

November 15-19

November 15-19
Important Dates to keep in mind.

November 17 Early Dismissal 1:00 pm
November 24 Test Chapter 6
November 24 Work Pack Due
November 24 Project Due

Check these web sites for support:

Earthtrips - A Virtual Journey into Earth's History

Geological Time Online Edition

Tour of Geologic Time


Dear Students:

This week we will continue to learn about the Geologic Time, Fossils and changes over time. We will start to work on our project: “Geologic Timescale”. Make sure you work on your work pack on a daily basis and review the material covered in class.
I am going to give you the rubric Monday, November 15 so you analyze it before beginning your project. Make sure you read through it and plan your project based on the requirements listed. BE CREATIVE!!!!

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