Friday, May 20, 2011

May 23-27

Dear Students:

In order to embrace the new, we must release the old. A trapeze artist cannot swing from one bar to another without letting go. An important part of preparing for the new school year is to review the past year—to release it—and to learn from it.…
The following questions should stimulate your thinking for this process. I hope that you take time out of your busy schedule to ponder where you are and where you've been.
Reflect upon what you did, how you felt, what you liked, what you didn’t and what you learned. Try to look at yourself and your experience with as much objectivity as you can—much like a biographer would.

Here are some suggestions to get you started in mulling over the past year—perhaps the last decade.
1. What did I learn? (skills, knowledge, awareness, etc.)
2. What did I accomplish? A list of my wins and achievements.
3. What would I have done differently? Why?
4. What did I complete or release? What still feels incomplete to me?
5. What were the most significant events of the year past?
6. What did I do right? What do I feel especially good about? What was my greatest contribution?
7. What were my biggest challenges/roadblocks/difficulties?
8. How am I different this year than last?
9. For what am I particularly grateful

This is the last week of school and we will continue to learn until the very last day. We will review important Scientific procedures and concepts. Please make sure your book is in good condition to be returned and that you search for your amazing scientific demonstration to share with the class.

Grades published in Power School

Key Terms Chapter 21

Important Dates to Keep in Mind

May 26 Books will be Collected
May 26 Science Demonstrations

Friday, May 13, 2011

May 16-20

Dear Students:

This week we continue with Chapter 22. We will be focusing in the chapter content as well as the Chapter Project. Please make sure you work on your work pack in a daily basis as well as the Key Concepts, for they will better prepare you for our evaluation.

Project requirements:

• Make a BIOME Model/poster to demonstrate your topic.

• Color your components as close as possible to the images that you can find in books or the internet.

• Prepare your display with ecological information for each part or subject.

• To make your project more advanced, develop a scaled model or any other type of attractive visual.

• Review the rubric before presentation date.

Important Dates to Keep in Mind

May 18 Test Chapter 22
May 18 Key Concepts Due
May 19 Project Presentation

Grades posted in Power School
Chapter 21 Content Test
Chapter 21 Key Terms Quiz
Key Terms Chapter 22

Friday, May 6, 2011

May 9-13

Dear Students:
This week we will begin Chapter 22. We continue with our Unit on Ecosystems. This Chapter offers us an opportunity to learm more about Biomes. Biomes are defined as "the world's major communities, classified according to the predominant vegetation and characterized by adaptations of organisms to that particular environment" (Campbell).
Biomes are classified in various ways. One can group biomes into five major types: aquatic, deserts, forests, grasslands, and tundra. Biomes may be broken down into smaller groups. The forest biomes can be further divided into tropical and temperate forest, or rain forest coniferous forest, and deciduous forest. The grasslands can be divided into the savannah and temperate grasslands. Tundras can be broken into arctic and alpine tundras.

So what do we have to do?"

Very Simply, your team is going to describe what you find out about a Biome by – making dioramas, posters, writing a descriptive page, and teaching the class about your Biome.
Start Working.............

Important Dates to Keep in Mind
May 11 Key Terms Due
May 18 Test Chapter 22
May 18 Key Concepts Due
May 20 Project Presentation

Friday, April 29, 2011

May 2-6

Dear Students
Our test to Chapter 21 will be Wednesday, May 4. Please prepare for it by reading Chapter 21 from your textbook and then using your work pack to review. Study your Key Terms and Key Concepts.
Your Project for this Chapter will be presented May 5. Don't forget to review your rubric and to practice at home.

Weekly tips:
How to study Smarter, not Harder
Study the Middle
The best time to review is soon after learning has taken place. The beginning and the end of material is best remembered, so pay close attention to the middle which is likely to be forgotten. The peak of difficulty in remembering is just beyond the middle, toward the end. change your method of review.
Connect Ideas Whenever Possible
The more association you can elicit for an idea, the more meaning it will have; the more meaningful the learning, the better one is able to retain it. Always note similarities in ideas and concepts, and put them in their proper place in a larger system of ideas, concepts and theories. A bare literal understanding is often of little valuable. Never be satisfied with a hazy idea of what you are reading. If you are not able to follow the thought, go back to where you lost the trail.

Important Dates to Keep in Mind

May 11 Key Terms Due, Chapter 22
May 18 Test Chapter 22
May 18 Key Concepts Due, Chapter 22

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 26-29

Dear Students:
We are in the last part of this journey. We will continue to learn about the wonders of science through the Environmental Science Unit. This week we will get prepared for our next project presentations due May 04. Review the Oral Presentation rubric so you do not miss any of the important details that will be evaluated. Our Test for this chapter will be May 5. This will allow us to work and review, on our present chapter, all this week.Key Concepts and work packs are also due May 5.

Friday, April 8, 2011

April 11-15

Dear Students:
This is our last week before Semana Santa’s break. We will begin a new Chapter full of wonderful information that will enrich our knowledge in science.
We are beginning Chapter 21: Populations and Communities. This chapter begins our Science studies in Ecosystems. It will open up a new door of another very interesting branch of science....Ecology.

Some of the topics covered in this Chapter are:

Living Things and the Environment
Studying Populations
Interactions Among Living Things
Changes in Communities

As we approach the end of this school year, I encourage you to practice your skills of organization and discipline:

1. Listening
2. Following Instructions
3. Questioning
4. Exhibiting Leadership
5. Communicating Effectively
6. Organizing: Time, Things

Important Dates to keep in mind

April 13 Key Terms Chapter 21
April 13 Chapter Project will be assigned
April 16-25 Semana Santa
May 4 Test Chapter 21

Friday, April 1, 2011

Coming Soon

April 4-8

Dear Students:

I have decided to postpone your test to Chapter 19. The new date will be this coming Wednesday, April 6. The content of this Chapter, as well as the fact that we have reviewed the Scientific Method thoroughly, has not allowed us to complete the content. Please make good use of this opportunity as we approach our mid –term reports, April 15.

Your Chapter projects will be assigned this week and will be presented April 13. This time a creative surprise will be required. Look for one that will make your presentation memorable. Review the rubric and practice with your group.
We have reviewed the Scientific Method and have learned important terminology related to it. Please keep these terms in mind for they will be applied often in the course of Science.

Some of the goals we want to achieve through our presentations are:
1.Being able to communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly.
2.Students will be familiar with the character of scientific knowledge and inquiry and how it is achieved.
3.Practice sequencing and completing steps to accomplish specific tasks
4.Pose explanations based on evidence derived from one's own work.

Important Dates to keep in mind

April 6 Chapter 19 TEST
April 6 Chapter 19 Key Terms TEST
April 13 Project
April 15 Mid Term Reports

Friday, March 25, 2011

March 28- April 1

Dear Students:

This week we continue to work in Chapter 19: Endocrine System. We will continue to work in our Chapter Projects in class, as well as completing our learning process through lectures, videos and class discussions. We will also be solving concept Maps, Key concepts and the rest of the Work Pack.

This week I would like you to focus on how to use your time. Time is the most valuable resource a student has. It is also one of the most wasted of resources. The schedule you develop should guide you in how to allocate the available time in the most productive manner. Sticking to your schedule can be tough. It is only up to you to have the discipline to follow the schedule you prepared. A good deal of your success in high school depends on this simple truth. I would really like you to succeed in the future, so let’s make the best out of the time we have.
Second of all I would like you to implement these skills:
Organizing skills are skills necessary to arrange information so it can be understood or presented more effectively. Organizing skills include (1) comparing (identifying similarities and differences), (2) classifying -- or categorizing (grouping items into categories based on similar attributes),(3) ordering (sequencing in some logical manner), and representing (changing the form of information to show how critical elements are related. These changes could be visual, verbal, or symbolic).

Grades Published Power School
Chapter 18 Content Test
Chapter 18 Key Terms Test
Chapter 19 Key Terms

Important dates to keep in mind
March 23 Key Concepts Chapter 19
March 30 Key Terms Test Chapter 19
March 30 Content Test Chapter 19

Monday, March 21, 2011

Earth Hour

EARTH HOUR is near! On Saturday March 26th from 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM everybody around the world will be voluntarily turning off the lights and unplugging electronic devices to SAVE THE EARTH. We invite you to do the same.

Friday, March 18, 2011

March 21-25

Dear Students;
This week we will begin a whole new Chapter: Endocrine System. We continue through our trip of the Human body. Our journey will soon come to an end and we will have new topics to explore.
This is your last quarter in Seventh grade and a good opportunity to review certain aspects of maturity and your organizational skills. Success in life many times depends on how these skills are applied to our current situation. Look into your flaws and make your strengths become your pillars for improvement. By now your work habits, time management and organizational skills should handle the middle school workload easily in preparation for your High school demands.
These skills may not make you more popular, but they can sure help you get better grades, reduce stress and improve your self-confidence. So, get going! You still have one quarter to practice these skills and hopefully Master them by the end of this school year!

Important dates to keep in mind
March 23 Key Concepts Chapter 19
March 25 Parent Teacher Conference
March 30 Key Terms Test Chapter 19
March 30 Content Test Chapter 19

Auto Confianza

Monday, March 14, 2011

March 14-18

Dear Students:
This week we begin the 4th quarter. We will begin this quarter with Chapter 19: Nervous System. This Chapter is a continuation of our studies of human anatomy and physiology. We will be covering important topics such as:

What are the functions of the nervous sysyem?
What is the structure of a neuron?
How do nerve impulses travel?
What are the structures and functions of the Central Nervous System?
What is a Reflex?
What are two ways in which nerves can be injured?
How do you eyes enable you to see?
how do you hear?
How do your sense of smell and taste work together?
How is your skinrelated to your sense of touch?

Important dates to keep in mind
March 16 Key Concepts Chapter 19
March 16 Key Terms Test Chapter 19
March 16 Content Test Chapter 19

Family Day T-Shirts


Family Day T-Shirt Order Form
Please return this form with Lps. 150.00 per t-shirt ordered by Friday, March 18th and circle the size of shirt you want. The numbers are children’s sizes; the letters are adult sizes. Sizes are similar to those as in last year’s Family Day.
Size(s) Amount Size Amount Size Amount Size Amount
2 _____
4 _____ 10 _____ 16 ____ L ______
6 _____ 12 _____ S ____ XL ______
8 _____ 14 _____ M ____ XXL ______

Size(s) Amount Size Amount Size Amount Size Amount
2 _____
4 _____ 10 _____ 16 ____ L ______
6 _____ 12 _____ S ____ XL ______
8 _____ 14 _____ M ____ XXL ______
Size(s) Amount Size Amount Size Amount Size Amount
2 _____
4 _____ 10 _____ 16 ____ L ______
6 _____ 12 _____ S ____ XL ______
8 _____ 14 _____ M ____ XXL ______

FAMILY NAME: __________________________________
Please deliver t-shirts to: _____________________________________________
Grade and Section ________
*Pre- School and Elementary: Return to homeroom teacher. *Middle and High School: Return to grade level advisors. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE TAKEN. T-Shirt will be white with colored logo

FAMILY DAY #3 Sábado 2 de Abril, 2011

Orden de Compra Camiseta Family Day
Favor regresar esta orden impresa con Lps. 150.00 por camiseta antes de el próximo Viernes 18 de Marzo, circulando el tamaño que usted desea. Los números son tallas de niños; las letras tallas de adultos. Las tallas de las camisas son iguales a las del Family Day pasado.

Tamaño Cantidad Tamaño Cantidad Tamaño Cantidad Tamaño Cantidad
2 _____
4 _____ 10 _____ 16 ____ L ______
6 _____ 12 _____ S ____ XL ______
8 _____ 14 _____ M ____ XXL ______

Tamaño Cantidad Tamaño Cantidad Tamaño Cantidad Tamaño Cantidad
2 _____
4 _____ 10 _____ 16 ____ L ______
6 _____ 12 _____ S ____ XL ______
8 _____ 14 _____ M ____ XXL ______
Tamaño Cantidad Tamaño Cantidad Tamaño Cantidad Tamaño Cantidad
2 _____
4 _____ 10 _____ 16 ____ L ______
6 _____ 12 _____ S ____ XL ______
8 _____ 14 _____ M ____ XXL ______

FAMILIA: __________________________________
Favor entregar camiseta(s) a: _____________________________________________
Grado y Sección: ________
*Pre School and Elementary: regresar formato al maestro de aula. *Middle y High School: Regresar al maestro asesor de grado. No se aceptaran órdenes tarde. * La camiseta es blanca, con el logo a color.

Friday, March 4, 2011

March 7-10

Dear Students:

This quarter ends March 11. As the marking period is coming to an end, I would like you to reflect on everything you have accomplished in my class and what you feel you need improvement in. It is a good time to look back at your progress.
Take a few minutes to look at your first quarter mistakes and strength’s and compare that to the work you are doing today. Identify areas of improvement and areas you need to work on throughout the rest of the year. Then use the questions below to guide your thoughts and record them on the lines provided.

• What areas did you focus on this quarter?
• Did you show improvement in these areas?
• What can you do to continue to improve your science skills?
• What is your strength n science class?
• How can you use your science strength to help you in other areas?

Important Dates to keep in mind:

Chapter 19 key Terms March 9
Chapter 19 Work Pack March 16
Chapter 19 Key Concepts March 16
Chapter 19 Content Test March 16

Friday, February 25, 2011

February 28- March 4

Dear Students:
This week we continue with Chapter 18: Fighting Disease. For our evaluation this week it is important that the regulars are reviewed closely:
• Key Terms
• Key Concepts
• Diagrams
• Work Pack

It is mandatory that the Chapter be read so a complete picture of the content is perceived. To read effectively in the Sciences you need to:
1. Explore Your Science Textbook
2. Check The Vocabulary
3. Analyze For Comprehension
4. Synthesize For Understanding

Important grades posted in Power School

Chapter 17 Content Test
Chapter 17 Key Terms Quiz

Important Dates to keep in mind:

Chapter 18 Test March 2
Chapter 18 Work Pack March 2
Chapter 18 Key Concepts March 2
End of the Second Quarter March 11

Friday, February 18, 2011

February 21-25

Important Dates to keep in mind:
Key Terms Chapter 18 February 23
Chapter 18 Test March 2
Chapter 18 Work Pack March 2

Dear Students:

This week we will begin Chapter 18: Fighting Disease. We will be exploring the following topics:
• Infectious Disease
• The Body’s Defense
• Preventing Infectious Disease
• Noninfectious Disease

Objectives/ I can ...Day 1
Explain the relationship between pathogens and infectious disease.
List the kinds of pathogens that cause infectious diseases in humans.
Identify four sources of pathogens
Objectives/ I can ... Day 2
Explain how the body's first line of defense guards against pathogens.
Describe what happens during the inflammatory response.
State how the immune system responds to pathogens.
Identify how HIV affects the immune system and how it spreads
Objectives/ I can ... Day 3
Define immunity.
Explain the difference between natural immunity and acquired immunity.
Objectives/ I can ... Day 4
Learn the concepts involved in epidemiology.
Trace the spread of a pathogen through a population
Objectives/ I can ... Day 5
Identify the causes of allergies.
Explain how diabetes affects the body.
Describe the effects of cancer on the body.
Identify causes of cancer.

Use the following link to learn more about the anatomy of the Immune system

Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 14-18

Dear Students:
This week we continue to discuss Chapter 17: Respiration and Excretion. We will add to our knowledge of the Respiratory system through our project: A Breathe of Fresh Air. We have been working in this project during class and continue to learn important details about the lungs, diaphragm and how the process of breathing takes place. In preparation for our test on this chapter, videos, class lectures and solving the work pack will continue.

Study Tips – Preparing for a Test

Tests are normally given to measure a student’s understanding of class material. Taking a test can be a stressful event for any student. When it comes to taking tests, there is no real substitute for preparation.

Now, you may be thinking that the only way to make sure that you are fully prepared is to study hard and know your subject. However, there are a few other things that you can do that will help you prepare for a test and ensure your success.
• Complete your regular schoolwork. Attending class every day and completing all of your class assignments on a regular basis can be very important when it comes to retaining information. Do the work and you will do better on your tests. Guaranteed.
• Study regularly. Don’t wait until the last minute to cram for a test. Use the night before a test wisely. Instead of cramming, prepare for a test by taking time to review what you have already studied.
• Understand how the test content is organized. Is the test multiple choice, true or false, and/or essay-style? Ask the teacher to find out. Just knowing how the questions are organized will help you prepare for a test.
• Find out how the test is scored. Again, ask your teacher for more information. Are certain portions of the test more important than others? Are there penalty points for skipping questions? Once you understand how the test will be scored, you will know what you need to work on most.
• Eat and sleep. Eating properly can have an amazing impact on your body and mind. A good night’s sleep will affect you similarly. Make sure you take time to sleep well the night before a test and when you wake up, eat a hearty and nutritious breakfast.
• Relax. This is the most common advice given to test-taking students. It’s also the best advice you will ever get. The more agitated you are, the worse you will do. If you are feeling nervous, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Better yet, take five deep breaths. Continue to breathe slowly and deeply until you feel calm.
Karen Schweitzer
Business School Guide

Important Dates to keep in mind:

Mid Quarter Grades Posted in Power School February 14
Chapter 17 Test February 16
Chapter 17 Work Pack February 16
President’s Day Picnic February 22

Friday, February 4, 2011

Feb 7-11

Dear Students:

This week we will begin Chapter 17: Respiration and Excretion. We will be covering important details about the respiratory system, smoking and your health and the excretory system. This important topic will allow us to learn about the functions of the respiratory system, identify the structures that air passes through as it travels to the lungs and describe what happens during gas exchange and breathing. We will also carry out the experiment in page 573 which will allow us to make a model of a lung and demonstrate what happens during inhalation and exhalation.

This week I would like to focus on thinking skills. Everybody has thinking skills, but few use them effectively. Effective thinking skills cannot be studied; but must be built-up over a period of time. Good thinkers see possibilities where others see only dead-ends. If you are not a good thinker, start now by developing habits that make you ask yourself questions as you read. Good thinkers (or skillful thinkers) are good problem solvers, they can withhold making decisions before they have all (or most of) the relevant information, they are not afraid of the unknown. Also, good thinkers have strong metacognitive skills. They are able to "think about their thinking”. This week I want you to remember these three words: knowledge, comprehension, and application.

Some of the Grades you can find posted in Power school this week are:

Chapter Content Test (16)
Key Terms Test (Chapter 16)
Quiz Diagram of the Heart
Project the Heart

Important Dates to keep in mind:

Key Terms Chapter 17 February 9
Chapter 17 Test February 16
Chapter 17 Work Pack February 16

Friday, January 28, 2011

January 31- February 4

Dear Students:

This week we continue to work in Chapter 16: the Circulatory System. We will continue to work in our Chapter Projects in class, as well as completing our learning process through lectures, videos and class discussions We will also be solving concept Maps and the rest of the Work Pack.

This week I would like you to focus on how to use your time. Time is the most valuable resource a student has. It is also one of the most wasted of resources. The schedule you develop should guide you in how to allocate the available time in the most productive manner. Sticking to your schedule can be tough. It is only up to you to have the discipline to follow the schedule you prepared. A good deal of your success in high school depends on this simple truth. I would really like you to succeed in the future, so let’s make the best out of the time we have.

Some grades you can find posted in Power School are:

• Chapter 15 Content Test
• Chapter 15 Key Terms Test
• Work Pack chapter 15
• Vitamins and Minerals chart
• Key Terms Chapter 16

Important Dates to keep in mind:

Chapter 16 Test February 2
Chapter 16 Work Pack February 2
Chapter Project February 2

Friday, January 21, 2011

Cardiovascular Video

January 24-28

Dear Students:

This week we will begin Chapter 16, right after the evaluation for Chapter 15. This chapter is a continuation of the same topic: Human Anatomy, but this time we will be focusing in the Cardiovascular System.

We will be covering important details about The Heart, such as:

• The Body’s Transport System
• Blood and Lymph
• Cardiovascular Health

We will also be choosing our next project. For this chapter you will create a model of the heart using creative materials. All projects will then be shared with the class so we learn from other peoples work.


I would like you to focus on critical reading through our science content. Critical reading is the ability to draw useful information from a book or other source of material important for the course. You should be applying two very important steps:
The first part —what to look for— involves recognizing those aspects that control the meaning.
The second part —how to think about what you find— involves the processes of inference, the interpretation of data from within the text.

Important Dates to keep in mind:

Key Terms Chapter 16 January 26
Chapter 16 Test February 2
Chapter 16 Work Pack February 2

Friday, January 14, 2011

January 17-21

Dear Students:

This week we continue to cover Chapter 15: Nutrition and Digestion. We have been seeing videos, listening to lectures, e beam games, doing Key Terms and working on our Work Packs. The test for this Chapter will be Wednesday, January 19. You need to focus on important facts and terms as well as reading the Chapter completely to get a clear view of the content for the test. Don’t forget to review your Concept Map for this chapter!!!
Thursday, we will begin chapter 16: Circulation. We will continue our Journey through Human Biology, learning important details about our transport system, blood, lymph and cardiovascular health.

Important Dates to keep in mind:

Chapter 15 Test January 19
Chapter 15 Work Pack January 19
Vitamins and Minerals Project January 19

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Presentation for Middle School Parents

Welcome Back!!! 2011

Dear Students:
Welcome back!!! I hope you enjoyed this Christmas break and that you are ready to begin the Third Quarter.
As we continue through our Anatomy journey, we will now move to Chapter 15: Food and Digestion. In this chapter we will cover topics associated with nutrition and digestion. You will learn about the food groups and food pyramid as well as digestive processes.
Important Dates to keep in mind:
Key Terms Chapter 15 January 7
Test Chapter 15 January 19
Work pack Chapter 15 January 19